Podcasts, events and YouTube channel.

Sign up to our newsletter to get the first on our podcast series, featuring conversations with our textbook cohort and special guests about their practices and their chapters, and about issues that affect us all as practitioners and academics working in place.

In the meantime, subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch recordings there - or below - of events we have been part of, talking all things trauma informed placemaking.  

Dr Friederike Landau-Donnelly in conversation with artist Anthony Joseph, and his Hope Through Ashes: A requiem for Hogan's Alley (2020) mural

The chapter discusses the complex relations between historical racial discrimination, paired with (predominantly white) settler colonialism, and contemporary efforts at reconciliation in the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. A huge thank you to Anthony Joesph for taking time out to talk about the mural.

Cara and Anita talking trauma informed placemaking

An introduction to trauma informed placemaking. What led Cara and Anita to trauma informed placemaking, what placemakers need to know, and signposting resources to help you step into this area.

Irish Architecture Foundation

We were delighted to be hosted by Irish Architecture Foundation to talk about the trauma-informed placemaking project and platform some of the textbook contributors - Aishling Rusk, Karen Till and Michal Huss, Brian Jay De Lima Ambulo and Jeff Poulin – , talking about their own practices and their book chapters, across local and global examples, the anticolonial, post-disaster situations and youth voice.

Healthy Happy Places

Dr Cara Courage joined the Happy Healthy Places event w/Academic Health Science Network, NE&Cumbria, looking at how we can collaboratively create our spaces through a trauma-informed lens.

The Healthy Happy Places programme focuses on creating and supporting good mental health and wellbeing through its connection with the built and designed environment in the North East and North Cumbria.